This is no secret; partnership means a lot in answering a client’s needs. Among the various ways ARaymond* chooses to make this partnership is that of resident engineers. We’ve been talking with Kevin Wendelken, resident engineer at a large OEM’s Engineering Centre in the UK for more than ten years, to get to the gist of how it makes a difference to work from inside the fort!
Improving development time
As a resident engineer, Kevin’s role is to support the OEM’s engineers in coming up with appropriate solutions when confronted with a fastening requirement.
Relying on a deep understanding of the OEM’s requirements, made possible by his experience in this position, he is able to offer a wide range of assistance. It goes from pin-pointing existing solutions to supporting the OEM’s teams in developing new products, by offering a complete overall service.
The direct benefit to the OEM? An immediate response in terms of time and expertise, available in house.
What’s more, being inside the company allows him to provide continuous support, instead of the “old fashioned”- visit by appointment, thus considerably shortening development times at the customer’s.
Beyond engineering
Kevin’s tasks involve many different disciplines. Now often referred by the OEM’s fastener department to support in a variety of subjects, which includes co-ordination with all FSP (Fastener Service Provider) representatives, where he has become a strong focal point of contact... Also providing on-site support for Tier 1’s, he often finds himself endorsed in the role of a fastener coordinator.
Supporting young engineers
Another unforeseen benefit of such collaboration is the ability to prevent young, new engineers, from going ways that have proven inconclusive in the past or from reinventing already existing solutions by “pointing them in the right direction”.
Not only does his position give him the necessary vantage point to do so, but also a much appreciated role in helping young engineers to understand fastener requirements and appreciate the real world in-plant / on vehicle applications. He provides a confidence level, so they get a better understanding of “what they are meant to be doing”.
A global offer through a unique contact
Through the ARaymond resident engineer concept, the OEM also accesses the whole Network’s capability much more easily and, more importantly, in a way that is customized to its needs. As a resident engineer from ARaymond, Kevin benefits from his company’s worldwide footprint and is able to bring forward a tailor-made global portfolio of relevant solutions in the shortest possible time.

”ARaymond” refers, in this Article, to the companies ("Companies") listed to the following link that are the editor of this Article and are responsible for this Article.