The ARaymond™ Manufacturer Days were held at the Technisud site in Grenoble, France on 5 and 6 February 2016.
Technisud is the new production site for the ARaymond™ Quick Connectors.
As part of our drive for continuous improvement, we organized this event to improve our in-house knowledge of our customers’ strategy and products.
We featured our customer, PSA, during the recent two-day event.
This event provided a great opportunity to accentuate the great partnership between PSA and ARaymond as well as highlight ARaymond’s innovation and expertise in Fluid Connections.
Our customer offers his insight.
Interview with Bruno Le Moine, PSA vehicle fuel line adaptation specialist

(on the right)
ARaymond : You are here today attending the ARaymond™ Manufacturer Day. Is this the first time you’ve participated in this kind of event?
M. Le Moine : “Yes, this is a first for me! Just like the interview we are having right now.”
ARaymond : What do you think of this initiative?
M. Le Moine : “I think it’s an innovative approach. It allows your employees to see how their work is integrated into the automotive value chain. And it also demonstrates how everyone’s efforts come together in a product with a strong image.”
ARaymond : ARaymond and PSA are long-time partners. When did this partnership start?
M. Le Moine : “To answer that question almost requires some archaeological research. PSA and ARaymond first worked together in 1930. That collaboration involved the use of metal clips for front-wheel drive.
As for me, I have had a working relationship with your company for more than 25 years. I initially worked with the team that developed clips. I have been working with the QC (Quick Connectors) team since 2002.”
ARaymond : What do you imagine this collaboration will look like in the future?
M. Le Moine : “The ARaymond/PSA partnership has many successes to its name. The development of the QC range is one of several examples, even if we are not necessarily the users or did not implement all the developments you proposed. The future will be characterized by high quality at all levels and a strong ability to innovate.”
ARaymond : Would you describe that as an “innovation partnership”?
M. Le Moine : “If by innovative partnership you mean a logical sequence of verbs such as listen, hear, understand, respond, refine, propose, describe and produce in an environment of mutual trust – then yes, there’s a real (innovative) partnership!”
ARaymond : What are ARaymond’s strong points when it comes to innovation?
M. Le Moine : “First, there’s the existing organization that makes it possible - with entities such as the ARaymond Network’s center of expertise** - to anticipate and carry out innovation. And then there are the development teams, which are ready to respond when PSA presents a technical need.
Lastly, there are the daily improvements that involve concepts and processes.
And when I talk about partnership and innovation, I’m also talking about the human aspect. What makes me happy is when your team expresses their “pleasure” working on one of our projects.”

ARaymond : Would the QCs with integrated functions be a good example of that innovation?
M. Le Moine : “I am an advocate of QC integration in terms of the fuel function, but not just on that (delta particle filter, selective catalytic reduction, etc.).
We are very familiar with your integrated function products, particularly the QCs with pressure regulation and the RG valve (priming valves and for diagnostics on a diesel line).
We are also familiar with your work on built-in sensors (temperature and pressure), thanks to a meeting at your center of expertise.
PSA is currently developing a bypass valve, although it is too soon to tell the teams whether or not we'll assign it to you. At least it shows that PSA has identified you as a leader on this kind of project.
So yes, integrated functions are a growth factor for QCs and ARaymond is certainly well-positioned to win business in this area.”
ARaymond : The customer and quality are central to the ARaymond Network’s priorities. As a partner, what is your perception?
M. Le Moine : “We share common values, which are fundamental for the end client.
In terms of quality, PSA’s target is to achieve the highest level. Without our suppliers, that target is out of reach. You are a PSA supplier. Beyond satisfaction, duties and responsibilities follow from that.
We are aware of ARaymond’s customer focus, which has continued to improve since 2006. We have to continue to find ways to improve in order to better understand the constraints outside Europe, particularly in China.”
ARaymond : What advantages and benefits did you gain from this Manufacturer Day?
M. Le Moine : “Brice Gouttenoire, QC Key Account Manager, asked me to communicate PSA’s vision of ARaymond™ products and, more specifically, the QCs. For me, that’s a win-win situation.
We took a look at the current initiatives and I discovered your new Quick Connector production site at Technisud. The engineering unit, the project teams, and manufacturing are now grouped together.
A Manufacturer Day also allowed all employees to better understand how ARaymond™ products are used in PSA vehicles.
The obvious benefit is to strengthen the ARaymond/PSA connection. For PSA, this event is in line with my position as a specialist. It is important to build PSA’s network of expertise and that’s one reason why I am here - to learn and share. And it’s also important to put a face to a name.”
ARaymond : What are your observations following this day?
M. Le Moine : “ARaymond invested heavily in putting this day together. I am convinced that in the long term, we will all win by maintaining a high level of team involvement, facilitating dialogue, and improving our understanding of each other.”
* ARaymond in this article refers to ARAYMOND FRANCE SAS - 113, cours Berriat - BP 157 - 38019 Grenoble cedex 1 - FRANCE (Registered in the Grenoble Trade & Companies Register under number 352 948 434) and RAYCONNECT INTERNATIONAL SASU – France (Registered in the Grenoble Trade & Companies Register under number 490 195 690). They published this article and have a license to use this trademark.
ARAYMOND™ is a trademark.
** In this article, centre of expertise refers to Rayce EURL – Registered in the Mulhouse Trade & Companies Register under number 502 901 044 – 3 rue Alexandre Freund – 68300 Saint Louis – FRANCE.