Slim Fasteners management by Facil for Volvo Trucks.

Slim Fasteners management by Facil for Volvo Trucks.


With 4200 fastener references, delivered by 115 suppliers in 6 plants, how to deliver the right part at the right time, provide high service rate and optimise cost?


Slim Fasteners management by Facil for Volvo Trucks.
Slim Fasteners management by Facil for Volvo Trucks.


This was the difficulty for Volvo 3P until beginning of 2006.

Since April 2006 Volvo 3P (Purchasing) has signed an agreement with Facil, the European Automotive FSP (Full Service Provider) leader.

Warehouses and operations have been installed in Bourg en Bresse, Blainville, Gent, Tuve (Göteborg), and Umea. Light trucks in Renault SOVAB plant are supported through Saarlouis. In total 80 people are working in the operations dedicated to Volvo 3P.

FACIL has brought its large FSP expertise to Volvo 3M (Manufacturing) and installed their innovative processes for optimized Quality and Delivery Performance. Via the KANBAN process FACIL provides fasteners directly to the point of fit into the final assembly line. The Facil Design Support onsite in the engineering headquarters of Lyon (Renault Trucks) and Goteborg (Volvo Trucks) is focused on standardisation, implementation of new technologies and In-Place-Cost-Reduction for fasteners. As a result now 2400 (instead of 4200) fasteners references are managed and delivered by one single supplier, Facil.

The “Fastener consolidation project” launched by Volvo 3P is a success.


Slim Fasteners management by Facil for Volvo Trucks.